Unifying Plans and Pricing Structures

increase in conversions
favoring new designs in testing
bump in
annual revenue
The unified plans and pricing experimentation is an attempt to simplify and streamline the paywalls across all GoDaddy products. This redesign bases itself off on a series of a 6 phase approach, with this project showcasing the Phase 6 design results.
This redesign takes a ‘Jobs to be done’ (JTBD) approach for the users landing on the paywalls.
The hypothesis is that by organizing the tiers by JTBD we will simplify customers’ plan choice and mitigate any concern over paying for unnecessary features, increasing conversions.
Skills Used
Audit, Research, Analysis, UX Design, Prototyping, User-Testing
2 Designers, 1 PM, 1 Content Designer, 4 Engineers
8 weeks
My Role
As the design lead on this project, my job was to ensure that the UX team had alignment with the product team, the product marketing team, content designers, legal, and developers.
Conducting informal rapid research
Organizing discoveries & documentation
Variation testing & monetization strategy

The Problem
How might we… redesign existing paywalls, and create a plans and pricing component to make paywall design consistent throughout GoDaddy monetization?
Solution Highlight
A unified plans and pricing component that drives conversions, and streamlines paywalls across GoDaddy products.

0.1 Final Design Component

0.2 Mobile Responsive Designs

0.3 Design Elements

0.4 Design Specs

✦ Monetization as a segment is hard to get wins
✦ Limited capability for testing and redesigns
✦ Legal compliance on what entitlements could be show to the users and how
✦ Balancing user and business valueTight deadline to launch before the start

What does the current experience look like?

Competitive Distinction
How can we stand out of from our competitors?

Design Iterations
Near Star Vision
By prioritizing accessibility, responsiveness, and an engaging interface, our approach for this design aimed to enhance the user experience, fostering a deep connection between the users and their business.
01. Modular user interface
Enhancing user engagement and flexibility with a modular user interface for paywalls, allowing seamless customization and effortless navigation.
02. Research based layout
Ensuring a tailored and user-friendly experience in accessing premium content with easy to follow layout, which helps the users make a concision decision.
03. Do no harm or Improve GCR
Fostering positive conversions by adhering to a 'Do no harm or Improve' strategy for paywalls, optimizing the gross conversion ratio ethically.
04. Design system compatible
Streamlining paywall designs by ensuring compatibility with a GoDaddy’s design system, fostering consistency and efficiency across all paywalls.
To maximize our time for prototyping, we knew we had to be quick and efficient with iterating our wire-frames. We were able to deduce the plan modals into two overarching typologies of interfaces;

While Option B started out as our preferred approach due to its “trendiness” within modern aesthetic design, we felt that it didn’t align with how we intended the overall user experience to be.
Ultimately, with the choice to adopt the ‘All plans includes’ section from Option B into Option A, we concluded a mid-fidelity wire-frame which was approved by all stakeholders, including PM, Developers, PMM, Legal, as well as Content team. This direction also enabled us to dedicate more screen real-estate to what mattered, the content, for the ease of decision making.
Final Wireframe

A Unified Plans and Pricing Component
The final component showcased here was used in the case of one of the most important paywalls for the ‘Website and Marketing’ product.

Results & Impact
$1.3 million
This experimentation launched into production and improved the overall potential GCR for 2024 by a potential $1.3 million.
✶ Cohesive cross-team collaboration
There were new resources pulled into this project, such as a new PM, a new UX designer, this project set stage for seamless collaboration across teams creates a unified force for future projects.
✶ Laid the Roadmap for 2024
This experiment helped streamline priorities and pioneered the strategic blueprint, laying the roadmap for 2024's success with innovation and foresight at the helm.
Successfully introduced a new pattern of merchandising single plans.

Learnings and Reflection
🌐 International Market exploration
GoDaddy products are global yet the designs are very narrowly thought from an english peaking US audience. We could've delved deeper into international market exploration, seizing untapped opportunities and fine-tuning strategies to navigate diverse landscapes.
💡Rapid User testing
In optimizing our design process, we could've leveraged rapid user testing, swiftly validating ideas and refining user experiences to ensure our products resonated seamlessly with user preferences, fostering agility in design and development.
👋🏼 Integrating micro-interaction
I believe micro-interactions could transform every touch-point into an engaging and intuitive journey, where details would speak volumes in the language of seamless interaction design